April 2023 Lakes Region Statistical Report
Alton was in the top 3 towns in 4 out of 6 categories in this report.
#2 Sold Listings (7)
#2 New Listings (9)
#2 List to Sell Ratio (101.49%)
#1 Average Days on Market (4)
Center Harbor
Center Harbor had the highest list to sale ratio in this report at 124.64%. The average days on market last month in Center Harbor was 6 days which is the second best among the Lakes Region towns in this report. There was one sold listing in Center Harbor last month which sold for $435,000.
Gilford was in the top 3 towns in 4 out of 6 categories in this report.
#3 New Listings (7)
#3 Average Days on Market (23)
#2 Median Sales Price ($589,000)
#3 Volume Sold ($6,864,000)
Meredith had the third most sold listings among the towns in this report last month. Meredith also had the most new listings - hitting double digits. The volume sold in Meredith was $7,864,800 last month which was the most volume sold in this report.
Moultonborough had the third most sold listings in this report. The average days on market increased by 42 days in march of this year compared to last. The median sales price last month was $21k more than the median sales price last year. The volume sold in Moultonborough decreased by almost $5 million in March of this year compared to March of 2022.
Tuftonboro had the third highest median sales price in this report at $480,000. The average days on market reached over 100 days this year which was a 70 day + difference compared to the year before. The median sales price in Tuftonboro was over $500,000 less in March of 2023 compared to March of 2022.
Wolfeboro had the second highest volume sold in this report. Wolfeboro also hd the highest median sales price of $725,000. The list to sale ratio increased by 4.61% in March of this year compared to last. The median sales price in Wolfeboro increased by over $400,000 last month compared to last year. There were 8 fewer new listings in Wolfeboro in March of 2023 compared to March of 2022.
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